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Event Art Pipelines

Online multiplayer games have some of the most dedicated player bases, but repeatedly exposing them to the same set of content again and again means one thing — boredom!

Players always want new, exciting experiences. There are many ways to give them these experiences, and one of those is in-game events. Some games hold them at regular intervals, some tie them to specific events, and others opt for constant content updates, where one event ends and another immediately begins, and this is how we do it at Pixonic.

Daria Karmanova, UI designer at Pixonic, and her colleague Andrey Luzanov wrote an article about how they redesigned the War Robots' event art (and its creation pipelines) to stop potential player ennui in its tracks, eliminate player confusion, and to make sure the event art is up to top-notch quality standards.

Read the article on Medium