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A complete War Robots Graphics Remastered — Coming this Fall

A complete remaster of War Robots graphics will be released in fall of 2020. War Robots is a top grossing Pixonic project. The game’s visual content will be dramatically improved, and 4 maps will be reworked completely. This update will feature a number of new technologies, such as Metal, ECS, and SRP.

War Robots was released 6 years ago, still sets the trends in the tactical shooter genre, and defines the roadmap of such projects’ development with its daring experiments with content and game mechanics. At the end of the last year we decided to chase a new height and started working on War Robots Remastered to completely revamp the game’s graphics.

The player will see significant improvement in the appearance of usual content:

  • Fully updated animation, textures, and geometry of all 58 robots and 58 weapons;

  • More than 100 modified VFX among all the game content;

  • 4 fully reworked maps — Canyon, Valley, Moon, and Powerplant;

  • Improved lighting on 8 maps;

  • Updated UI elements.

All of these changes will influence the visual part of the game, but the mechanics will stay intact. The maps, the weapons, the robots, and their abilities will remain the same, but will work better and faster.

War Robots Remastered graphic perfection is achieved with state of the art technology:

  • PBR (Physically based rendering) for creating lifelike textures;

  • ECS (Entity Component System) for amazing VFX with improved performance;

  • SRP (Scriptable Render Pipeline) for visual effects in high resolution;

  • Asset Bundles for dynamic content delivery to the game client; 

  • Apple Metal for effective use of resources on Apple devices and best performance;

  • Improved Visual Quality Manager with manual fine-tuning option. For comfortable gaming experience the user can choose between graphics presets: Performance, Balanced, Quality, or Ultra;

  • Content delivery system for convenient updates download.

Before we release War Robots Remastered we'll host about a dozen public tests. At first we'll test the Performance preset version, then we'll test Quality. In fall the project will be released with all four graphic presets.

You can sign up for testing in our official community on Facebook.

Watch out for the updated in the official War Robots communities: 

Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Reddit 

We’re working on improving the visuals at the moment. Here’s a little spoiler!

Before the change:

And after:
